
3D modeling for video games

If you want to see the revolutionary progress in the Video Games industry that is made by the introduction of 3D modeling, just think back to the times when 2D
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What changes are coming in the 3D modeling industry?

3D modeling is widely used everywhere in almost all areas of modern life. Today it covers the consumer segment, and various, sometimes surprising areas as well. There are major industries
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What’s going on 3D modeling industry?

3D modeling is actively developing, its application has long gone beyond the scope of 3D films, and what was considered something unthinkable just yesterday is becoming a mass phenomenon now.
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3D-printed heat-activated foam to be unveiled for cars, shoes and more

Desktop Metal Inc (DM.N) plans to unveil a type of foam that the U.S.-based industrial 3D printer maker claims could significantly change the way athletic shoes, automotive seats and other
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What does NFT mean and how to use NFTs?

What does NFT mean – this question is one of the trendings around the globe in recent 2 years. This answer is floating in various forums, communities and networks where
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State of CAD industry and industrial design trends

As the name implies, computer-aided design (CAD) is the use of computers to create, modify, analyze, or optimize designs. Engineers and designers take advantage of the software by increasing productivity
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How IoT Is Used on the Production Floor

Fast Radius illustrates the most relevant and beneficial applications of IIoT in manufacturing. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a broad category including devices that leverage sensors, processing chips or
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Bioprinting world companies

With 119 established bioprinting companies and many entrepreneurs around the world showing interest in the emerging field, it’s just a matter of time before it becomes one of the most
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Simulation, prototyping, and validation on the Cloud

The challenges for modern engineering professionals are many. Lower cost, faster time-to-market, and increased sustainability are forcing designers to use advanced tools to cope with the conflicting requirements of speed,
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3D immersive advertising: All you need to know

3D and Augmented Reality (AR) has already revolutionized eCommerce and now, these technologies are changing the face of digital advertising with the introduction of 3D immersive advertising. But what are they, exactly? As
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